Just Kass Things: Let Me Check My Planner

I’ve always been an incredibly organized person. Though my mother would argue that my room never took that effect, in most facets of my life, organization reigns supreme. From daily tasks to long-term goals, having things written down helps me feel calm and collected despite how crazy life can be. In high school it was a simple, but as life got more hectic, juggling college, multiple jobs + internships, the need for a planner (both physical + digital) became crucial. My close friends have always praised me (or made fun of me) for how much I rely on my calendars to help my life run somewhat smoothly. Whether it’s tracking my finances, a work schedule, my workday to-do’s, or even a food log, my planners are the foundation to my life.

Here are a few of my favorite brands, as well as how + why I keep my life organized on paper:

  • My first introduction to a real deal planner was my Erin Condren LifePlanner my sophomore year of college. It was personalized, colorful, and helped me juggle school + work. Plus, the cute sayings + inspirational quotes were a lovely addition. Mine happened to be an older version, which were quite heavy and resembled more of a textbook than a handy dandy planner, but it did the job. EC now carries hardcover versions in various sizes. It also comes with a ton of add-ons + options for personalizations to make it perfect for you and your lifestyle.
  • And then there was Moleskine. Simply a classic. I used the pocket-sized planner while I studied abroad my junior year of college, and I fell in love. It was perfect for what I needed at the time: small and simple. I didn’t have much going on except for schoolwork (when I wasn’t traveling), so it helped me keep my homework + exams on track. When I got back to the states, I upgraded sizes, and that stuck with me through my senior year of college.
  • Work, work, work. Shockingly enough, when I graduated college and got a job, I ditched having a planner entirely. I was super busy settling into my work life and my day-to-day at the office that I simply used a Moleskine notebook to track my to-do’s each work day. For the first few months of working, I really didn’t do much else (lol), so the work-focused notebook and my digital calendar was good enough.
  • Speaking of digital… Google Calendar is my #1. My personal + work email accounts run through Google, so having Google Cal setup is easy peasy. I can access both on my phone, and being able to reference my work schedule as well as my personal appointments + events is ideal. I set up event notifications and reminders for reservations, appointments, and bill payments (and yes, those are all written down too.)
  • Currently, I’m in deep with my Passion Planner. I’ve been using it for both my personal life + work, as well as tracking just about anything else in my life — fitness, finances, traveling, you name it. It’s a hefty size, so I usually just keep it at my office during the week and bring it home on the weekends. One of the things I LOVE about my Passion Planner is that it challenges you to set goals each month, week and day, as well as asks you questions at the end of each month, encouraging reflection and thought. Time moves by real fast these days, so sitting down and thinking about the peaks of your month, what you learned, and how you can adjust moving forward is really helpful. PP also comes with ton of free space for lists, to doodle, or just note-taking. Plus,  it is FILLED with inspirational content, like weekly quotes or challenges. This week’s? “Make a list of things that make you happy. Make a list of things you do everyday. Compare the lists. Adjust accordingly.” (Makes you think, yeah?). I’m super happy with PP right now, but don’t know what move I’ll make next. I might move back to Moleskine for 2019, but I’ve got a few more months to decide my plan (see what I did there?).
  • There is little more satisfying than crossing things off of your to-do list everyday. Whether it’s a task for work, the gym, or even an errand like grocery shopping or laundry, the physical task of marking something as done is pretty rewarding. It also helps with accountability. Usually, if something is on my to-do list, I make sure it gets done (this might be something you have to work on separately). Other things, like the gym, sometimes don’t happen. When I reflect on the week, and can visually see how many days I did (or did not) make it to a workout, it motivates me more for next week. Likewise, when I’m on Paleo, I track my food daily and weight throughout the week. Visually seeing everything that I ate motivates me to continue being healthy.
  • Color coating is life. I get made fun of a lot for this one, but I do enjoy using specific colors on specific weeks, or outlining things in different colors depending on if it’s work, personal, the gym, appointments, etc. Though this isn’t 100% consistent, it allows me to have fun with it and be creative, and it looks pretty damn nice too.

So there it is. A little peek inside my planner journey. Let’s be real, I’m no pro. If you need some planner inspo, I follow some pretty awesome accounts (@planswithk + @julies_plans are two of my faves), that make me want to buy a million planners and draw in them all day. I’ll let you know when I’m there.

One thought on “Just Kass Things: Let Me Check My Planner

  1. Loved this! I started out simply using my iPhone calendar to plan everything, and when I could never find an planner app or physical planner that had what I needed and was simple enough that it wasn’t too busy, I turned to the bullet journal system and just set up my own, which I’ve been doing for over a year now! xx


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